Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Entry 80002-2

Patient 80002 was observed moving at 3:45. He rose from his slouching position in the holding chair and sat up in a neutral position, looked at the west-facing camera, and held eye contact with the camera until Dr. H---- entered the room.

Dr. H. was roused at 7:35, decontaminated, and given a short debriefing of the events of the past seven hours. After looking over the notes for the morning, Dr. H. promptly entered the cell at 8:16.


Dr. H. – My aides tell me that the inoculation I gave you last night was “insufficient.” To be honest, I was hoping to sleep in a little and monitor you later in the day, but I guess this is just as fine.

80002 moves for the first time in 4.5 hours by looking Dr. H. in the eyes.

Dr. H. spends the next two minutes looking over 80002, writing notes, and muttering to himself.

80002 does not move during this time.

Dr. H. stands in front of 80002 and begins his interrogation.

Dr. H. – Well, now that the preliminary observations are done with, we can get to the meat of this conversation. Who are you?

Dr. H. jabs his pen into 80002’s right shoulder. No damage recorded.

80002 remains silent for one minute.

Dr. H. – Why did you not resist capture?

80002 remains silent for four more minutes.

Dr. H. spends this time by circling 80002 and prodding him with his pen in various places, including his right temple, his left hand, and the nape of his neck. No damage recorded.

After the four minutes of silence, Dr. H. walks over to his work chair, drags it directly in front of the holding chair, facing away from 80002, and sits down, facing the holding chair and leveling his eyes with those of 80002.

Dr. H. – Why are you not answering my questions?

80002 – Because I like watching you squirm.

Dr. H. visibly flinches at the sound of 80002’s voice. Audio recordings were sent to Drs. J---- and M------ for analysis, which determined that severe damage had likely been done to 80002’s larynx, despite no damage having been recorded in the initial observation the previous evening.

80002 leaned back in the holding chair as much as the restraints would allow, and began drumming his fingers repeatedly against the armrests.

Dr. H. hesitated for twenty seconds, recorded more notations, and then promptly left the cell for decontamination at 8:24. Surveillance logs show him interrogating one of the interns assigned to the research of 80002 for a full thirty minutes before retiring to his sleeping quarters at 9:03. 80002 did not move from his position, however, he did close his eyes. No evidence is shown that he actually rested during the following period, as breathing remained consistent with an alert state.

Dr. H. rested for five hours, and after rising did nothing of note beyond question more interns. At 18:34, Dr. H. performed his mandatory evening observation of 80002, during which 80002’s eyes opened. Neither Dr. H. nor 80002 said anything during this time, after which Dr. H. administered the evening’s inoculation, Serum 272, and left the cell for decontamination at 18:40. 80002 did not move significantly during or after this time, although surveillance picked up what might be a smile on 80002’s face after Dr. H. left. This was noted and added to Dr. H.’s briefings for the following morning.

Dr. H. conscripted a bottle of spiced rum from the Doctors’ Quarters for the night, and multiple surveillance cameras saw him drunkenly wandering the facility until 23:14, where he returned to his room. 80002 closed his eyes at 18:41, but once again evidence of his state being altered from an awake state were absent, as breathing remained steady and consistent with an alert individual.